Our Focus.

Our Specialisms.

Our focus falls within the realms of Software Engineering, predominantly those with .NET/C# bias and the exciting world of Data Engineering and Data Science. 

Of course, we’ve plenty of roles away from these, but they’ve always tended to be within the SDLC (Testing, Front-End, BA’s etc.) – but if you need help elsewhere, then we’ll see what we can do.

How are we different?

Well, we’re 2 blokes from Rochdale, so as you’d imagine, we don’t tend to do bullshit.  

Nobody wants to be sold to, nobody wants to read a load of ‘fluffy’ meaningless emails, and nobody wants to be pressured into doing anything. So, how about we just take the hassle out of everything and tell you as it is.

Our Promises.

- Shit CV guarantee – we’ll knock £100 off the final invoice, if we present a CV that doesn’t match the brief we’ve taken at all.

- We’ll highlight at least one weakness/ area of perceived concern for every job & candidate.

- We’ll always do our best to put together an engaging piece of content, that speaks to those who don’t spend all day scrolling through the job boards.